Six triggers for romantic feelings

To fall in love, the first step is to attend a meeting. However, that alone will not start a love affair. So, how can you develop romantic feelings?

Triggers for developing romantic feelings

When you like the person’s appearance

The trigger for love is different for everyone, but the first thing that comes to mind is the attractiveness of a person’s appearance. It is said that men fall in love with their eyes, and the same is true for women. People are strongly attracted to a person whose appearance is to their liking.

When someone is kind to you

People are also attracted to those who are kind to them, and when they are treated with respect and care as an independent human being, they feel warmth and are strongly attracted to them.

When feeling anxious or lonely

When people are feeling anxious or lonely, they sometimes seek a partner who can be there for them. It is easier to feel an emotional connection with someone who supports you and is there for you.

When you go on a date

Dating can be a great way to start a relationship. You may arrange to meet alone on a holiday, and as you share time together, you may fall in love with each other.

When you are body-touched

In society, there are people who touch other people’s bodies excessively. This body touch can also be a trigger for romance. Especially for men, a hand holding or a touch on the arm is enough to make them soar. Of course, body touching from someone you find offensive is out of the question.

When kissing

When you kiss, even jokingly, at a drinking party or a gathering of friends, you may develop special feelings from it. You suddenly start to care about the person you thought was just an acquaintance or friend. However, forcible kissing is out of the question.


We have learned that there are various triggers for love. In order to fall in love with someone, you first need to meet them. After that, it is important to appeal to your own attractiveness. In love, taking care of yourself and caring for the other person are necessary to build a better relationship.