Love is “sexual desire + trust”

We have all thought at one time or another about what love is, or in other words, the definition of love. If you look up the word “love” in the dictionary, you will find the following explanation.

Love is the feeling of longing between a man and a woman. Love is also the feeling of longing. Love.”

This does not explain anything. Then, what exactly is love?

I believe that love is “sexual desire + trust. Love is a kind of emotion called “romantic feeling,” and that feeling is made up of a combination of sexual desire and trust toward the other person.

Therefore, the first step is to feel sexual attraction to the other person. Then, through communication, the person is perceived as trustworthy, which can give rise to romantic feelings.

If you feel “this person is nice, but I don’t like him,” when someone of the opposite sex (or the same sex) likes you, it is an indication that you do not feel sexual attraction to the person. It means that you do not see them as an object of romantic interest, even if you have a sense of trust in them.

Of course, it is possible to be in a relationship without feeling sexual attraction. By finding commonalities and values with your partner, you can understand each other and feel affection for each other. However, this is the realm of “friendship” or “human love,” not love. If you desire such a relationship with someone, that is fine, but you must distinguish it from romantic love.

Love is a good opportunity for personal growth. Re-examine yourself through your relationship with your partner and live a better life.